some light geography leading up to some cultural context of the life and times of sion and kitsie...who lived in between the small villages of farmers academy and haw ridge, and about 4 miles from a town then called indigo head, after the local indigo crop. 30 miles north of haw ridge was a town called troy. out of troy was published, from 1855 to 1861 the Independent American newspaper.
it was a southern rights paper with a definite political point of view and it speaks to a relative well-being and agricultural and business bustle in troy and its hinterlands...which in some respect reached down into coffee county where sion and kitsie made a life.
the weekly paper carried political editorials, human interest stories borrowed from other regional papers, shipping news, advertisments, and humor.
in the spring of 1858, the independent american carried a piece of humor that gives us what people of sion's class sounded like to the reading public of the time. its byline identifies indigo head as the location for the story...sion and kitsies' neighborhood, it is a first person narration whose humor comes from the spelling and the volubility of the story teller who repeats himself...a lot. the spelling is probably meant to both convey the level of literacy and the dialect of the coon hunter. the technique is tedious and seems a little sloppy to me...did people really say "kotch" for "catch?"
possibly, just possibly, sion might have been a model for the town humorist. a coon huntin country bumpkin...but one that could tell a story around the grist mill.
in it's tiresome entirety.
Mister Editer: --While the fokes is a gruntin about the hard times in coffee I is a ‘doin fustrate, I ar got sum uv the best dorgs in God’s creashun I rekon, and a mighty good gun too, and I gess, tak wun uv the gratest hunts tuther nite you ever herd on, I started out a coon huntin soon afer supper not expectin to kotch a panter but I had n’t bin out long, when old rattler started sumthin, well I didn’t think he was good for nuthin but rabbits, so I didn’t pay much attenshun tu him an went on and blode my horn not thinking he had started a panter, but he wouldn’t quit he kept a runnin an a bawlin like he was about tu kotch it, well arter a little I hern old buck start tu, well they run round and round up and down the big branch, for about tu ours, then they stopt sorter like they had loss it, an I blode my horn a gane, not thinking u c that they was arter a panter, but instid uv cumin tu me they started off a gane bawlin like all nature, this u kno sorter made my dander rise an u c I started to them tu stop them, but I culdn’t stop them so they run round awhile just like dorgs always run when they ar arter a rabbit all this time I hadn’t thout it was a panter, so ZI kep blin an hollerin at then tu stop then but I culdn’t stop then well arther a while the rest of my dorgs started off bawlin like they was mad, u kno, I still didn’t think about its bein a panter, but I had tu dorgs that I never node tu run a rabbit in the nite, u kno, so I begun tu think it wa not a rabbit they was arter and u kno, I begun tu think I wuld hav sum fun yit so I dun my best to make them kotch it u kno, but I didn’t think it was a panter if I had I wuld a left that place sartin, wll they kep a runnin fust ip 1 side uv the creek and then down the tuther jist like they was arter a rabbit, u kno, I culdn’t think what it was, I din’t think thar was any panter in coffy county, u kno an I culd hear it run by me 1st in a while an I thout it run jist like a rabbit, u kno, an I never wuld a thout uv its bein a panter, u kno, well sir u ort tu a c n me listenin at them bawlin in the swamp, thinking every minit that they wuld kotch it or tree it, u kno, all the while not thinking about a panter, if i had I wood a bin afeard that he wood kill sum of my dorgs or me wun. Well sir, they kep running harder than ever for about six or ate ours and the thing run all the time jist like a rabbit, an I began to think arter a while that they were arter a rabbit shire enuff, I node it didn’t run like a coon or a fox, an I never seed a wild panter an didn’t think about that bein one, so I thout I wood quit the drive which I did but I coodent stop my dorgs they
seemed determined to kotch it be fore they quit it, so I had to let them alone, well I went home and went to bed studying about the chase but didn’t think about a panter the ist time, I thout it sartinly be a rabbit, and with these thouts I went to sleep, and slept sound for a good while but finally I awoke , and to my surprise I cood still hear my dorgs runnin like all nature this put me to studying about all kinds of varmints that I had ever seen in this country, and I coodn’t think uv anything that run like that did, but the rabbit. you see I didn’t know anything about the panter and didn’t think it cood be anything but a rabbit or prehaps I wood have went back agin tu them. So I went to sleep agin and slept til about sunrise when i woke agin the first thing thout uv was my dorgs. I put on my boots an went out ta listen for the dorgs and i soon hearn wun uv them he run very slow I node they war tired an i thout i wood take my gun an go an kill the thang at wunst, tho i had no noshun uv finding a panter when I got that, well i got my gun an loaded it with buck shot, an started to kill sumthim i didn’t kno what, but had no more idear of finding a panter than i had of finding a bar, well i soon got clost to them an i cood not hear any of my old dorgs runnin, i thout it strange that the yung dorgs, held out longer than the ole wuns you see i stil hand’t thout about it bein a panter, so i took my stand to shoot it when it passed me not thinking it war a panter, directly I hern them cumin rite tu me, I fixt for shutein it, well hear they cum farely tarrin till they got in about fifty yards of me, and they turnd rite off, you kno, it had seed me anturnd, I thout I wood foller them, so I started arter them not thinking yit about its bein a panter, an derectly I saw it, an sure un nuff it wasn’t a panter, but it war a rabbit sartin. Wall this sorter vext me, but I thout I wood shute at it anyhow, but it wood not cum clost tu me, I node I had a mity goo gun, an if I got a fare shats seventy or aitty yards o cood kill it, so I wated a long time, before I saw hit, arter awhile runnin across the ole field, about two hundred yars from me, I thout I wood wait till he got in a good open place, an I wood shoot at him just to skeer him, but had no idear that I wood kill him, well he sure passed threw a open place where the sedge was burnt off, an I fired at him not expectin to kill him, the smoke caused by the firing uv my gun, prevented me from seeing whether I killed him or not, so I thout I wood wauk up that way and see, but I had no idear that I had killed him. I got there looked round er little for him, and sir, I wish I may dya if I found him, then you ort to sen me go home singin.
“fairwell vain world ime goin home”