Saturday, September 18, 2010

geography 1

some geography to help put in your mind’s eye the theater where the saga of this branch of the hutcheson clan was acted out.
                                               the general situation

the flag pinpoints the land where four generations marked out all, or significant numbers, of their days on this planet. sion and kitsie migrated from georgia and south carolina respectively into the land. john and robert were born to and died in the land. wjh was born and raised there and left as a young man. 

we are in the southeastern pocket of alabama, roughly 90 miles straight south of  montgomery. the gulf waters are close. the hutchesons lived near streams and rivers that drain into the gulf.  pensacola, an old spanish colonial city, is in left bottom corner.  from there hutcheson cotton was probably shipped to northeastern or english mills. the hutcheson’s floated rafts of pines log’s from hutcheson landing on pigeon creek down to the pensacola mills and walked the 100 miles back home.  salt was harvested from the gulf’s saltwater. 

in far distance is the western horn of south carolina located toward the top of the map just right of the center line.  the general vicinity of kitsie ann’s birthplace.   you get a sense of the line of the trek her family made. 

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